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Autopure® TPE mat (PVC, latex and Chlorides Free) made of TPE composite
material with characters of high elasticity and resilience.
It is primarily composed of styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymers and EVA )Ethylene Vinyl Acetate), which are 100% decomposable. The leftover will only be CO2 and H2O when it is burned. It is an excellent eco-friendly material. Compared with the conventional PVC mat, the PET mat is more colorful and lighter and it also has more meticulous patterns texture, lower moisture absorbing rate and more excellent slip-resistance function.

Thickness: 3.00mm, 4.00mm, 5.00mm and 6.00mm
Sizes: 24"x69"(60.50--61.50cm x 175--176cm) and
          24"x72" (60.50--61.50cm x 182--183cm)


Product Specification

Color Chart


 EurolinE® Wheel Cover   Traditional Wheel Cover  spinner wheel cover

Steel Wheel Replica  WireWheelCover  Spinner Wheel

StayStillCapAds not rotating hubcap


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Mexa Co., Ltd.
Aka Halon Co., Ltd.

Tel. +886-2-23657700 Fax.+886-2-23657702
Office: 7F., No. 14 Anmin Street, Xindian District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 231071
Factory: No. 66 Kung Ming 2nd Road, Tsun Tou Liau Industry Area, Tainan, Taiwan Tel.0910-19-6666

廠登記證號: 67-00-3434

Factory :No. 66 Kung Ming 2nd Road, Tsun Tou Liau Industry Area, Tainan 709, Taiwan Tel.09-1019-6666


Mexa Co., Ltd. © since Jan. 1996

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