滅火器 滅火器 口訣 滅火器 種類 車用滅火器
FK-5-1-12 Novec 1230
不鏽鋼瓶裝滅火器700ml, 1L 2L, 3L and 6L
ODP: 對臭氧層的損耗潛能值 GWP: 溫室效應值 ALT:大氣殘留時間/單位:年 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOAEL:無毒反應濃度 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1瓶赤海龍等於10瓶CO2氣體滅火器 |
赤海龍化學名為:全氟-2-甲基-3-戊酮 CAS號:756-13-8 化學代號為:FK-5-1-12 分子式為:C6F12O 結構式為: |
Extinguisher Agent | Pressure | Fire Class | Capacity | Barrel | Weight | Discharge Time | Range Max. | Item # |
FK-5-1-12 | 2.8Mpa | ABCDF | 700ml | 304L S.S. | 0.40-0.60 Kgs | 10 to 15 sec | >3M | AKA700 |
FK-5-1-12 | 2.8Mpa | ABCDF | 980ml | 304L S.S. | 0.90-1.10 Kgs | 15 to 25 sec | >3M | AKA980 |
FK-5-1-12 | 2.8Mpa | ABCDF | 2000ml | 304L S.S. | 3.00-3.25 Kgs | 30 to 40 sec | >3M | AKA2000 |
FK-5-1-12 | 2.8Mpa | ABCDF | 3000ml | 304L S.S. | 4.50-4.90 Kgs | 45 to 60 sec | >3M | AKA3000 |
網上直購ONLINE ORDER https://www.taiwanwhite.com/product_1358102.html |
Fire Extinguisher
AKA Halon
For Car Fire
Extinguisher Stainless Steel Bottle
Small enough 980ml to stash in even the most
compact cars, the AKA Halon 700 small enough to stash in a trunk, in some larger glove compartments or even under seats. Owners who have had to use it said it put out small automotive fires quickly and easily. It comes with a pressure gauge and a mount engineered to provide additional stability in a car. Note that like many other auto-specific fire extinguishers, AKA Halon 980 is refillable. It comes with a twenty-years warranty. Size :11.81” x 3” (H 30cm x Diameter 7.60cm) Capacity:1.88 lbs. (0.90-1.10Kgs.) Weight:3.08 lbs. (1.40-1.60Kgs.) |
AKA700 Send Via UPS Worldwide Expedited 7-20days Door To Door Service Payment By PayPal: autopure@ms3.hinet.net Or Inform Your 1)Receiver Name 2)Receiver Telephone Number 3) Receiver Email 4)Receiver Address & Post Code We Will Issue A PayPal Invoice for your Payment. |
Fire Extinguisher
AKA Halon
For Car Fire
Extinguisher Stainless Steel Bottle
Small enough 900ml to stash in even the most
compact cars, the AKA Halon 900 Auto Fire Extinguisher is true Halon
gas to handle fires common in cars, such as gasoline, Owners who have had to use it said it put out small automotive fires quickly and easily. It comes with a pressure gauge and a mount engineered to provide additional stability in a car. Note that like many other auto-specific fire extinguishers, AKA Halon 900 is refillable. It comes with a twenty-year warranty. Size :13.3” x 3.4” (H 33.80cm x Diameter 8.60cm) Capacity:1.88 lbs. (0.85-1.00Kgs.) Weight:3.36 lbs. (1.65-1.90Kgs.) |
AKA900 Send Via UPS Worldwide Expedited 7-20days Door To Door Service Payment By PayPal: autopure@ms3.hinet.net Or Inform Your 1)Receiver Name 2)Receiver Telephone Number 3) Receiver Email 4)Receiver Address & Post Code We Will Issue A PayPal Invoice for your Payment. |
Fire Extinguisher
AKA Halon
2L For All Kinds Of Fire - Stainless
Steel Bottle (AKA2000)
AKA Halon 2L is long-lasting and reliable, and
a perfect size for general home use.
The AKA Halon 2L has stainless steel overall, forged C6801 valves
and comes with a wall mount and a pressure gauge. |
AKA2000 Via UPS Worldwide Expedited 7-20days Door To Door Service Payment By PayPal: autopure@ms3.hinet.net Or Inform Your 1)Receiver Name 2)Receiver Telephone Number 3) Receiver Email 4)Receiver Address & Post Code We Will Issue A PayPal Invoice for your Payment. |
Fire Extinguisher
AKA Halon
3L For All Kinds Of Fire - Stainless
Steel Bottle (AKA3000)
AKA Halon 3L is very similar to the AKA Halon 2L, it weighs 10
Like the AKA Halon 2L the AKA Halon 3L is refillable and comes with
a wall mount and a pressure gauge. |
AKA3000 Via UPS Worldwide Expdited 7-20days Door To Door Service Payment By PayPal: autopure@ms3.hinet.net Or Inform Your 1)Receiver Name 2)Receiver Telephone Number 3) Receiver Email 4)Receiver Address & Post Code We Will Issue A PayPal Invoice for your Payment. |
南韓仁川在本月初發生一起嚴重的電動車火災事件,也掀起民間與政府對電動車的討論與抵制浪潮。 (翻自《NEWS 1》) |
辦公大樓、社區大樓、集合住宅和公寓大廈的管理委會, |
(EV) 爆炸導致140
梅賽德斯-奔馳Benz電動轎車起火。據仁川市政府稱,由於停水停電,700 多名居民 被疏散,大火損壞了約 140 輛汽車,有二十三人住院。 根據社群媒體上的通知,一些辦公大樓現已禁止電動車進入和停車,而一些公寓管理 委員會則建議電動車車主在充電時要小心。 在全球電動車銷售成長放緩之際,這起事件令韓國民眾感到不安。 雖然內燃機汽車火災更為常見,但對電動車的負面情緒及其電池可能造成的火災風險 增加了消費者不願購買電動車的其他一些原因,包括較高的前期成本和缺乏可靠的 充電基礎設施。 首爾省份京畿道的 37 歲居民韋恩·穆恩 (Wayne Moon) 在電話中表示: “老實說,這非常可怕,我們本月的例行居民會議肯定會討論這個問題。” “國家需要徹底改革消防安全標準、立法和充電基礎設施等各個方面, 以解決電動汽車火災的風險。” 聲明稱,梅賽德斯-Benz賓士韓國公司將全力配合當局調查起火原因, 但拒絕進一步置評。 隨著韓國社群媒體對電動車電池安全性的熱議,有些人正在重新考慮 他們即將購買的汽車。 週二,特斯拉公司線上社群聊天的用戶正在討論是否應該取消訂單, 一位電動車車主抱怨說,一家運輸公司拒絕將他的汽車運往濟州島。 另一位電動車車主表示,他的辦公大樓已暫停使用電動車充電器。 根據韓國國家消防局 2023 年的一份報告,自 2017 年以來,內燃機汽車和 電動車起火的數量每年都在增加。 大多數韓國人居住在高密度公寓中,這和臺灣類似,這意味著 大部分充電站都位於建築物的地下車庫中。 法律要求新建公寓和一定規模的建築物安裝電動車充電器。 繼上週的事件發生後,執政黨議員宋恩石 (Song Eonseog) 提議修改該國的 「停車場法」,以確保更好的安全性並限制電動車電池火災。 AKA HALON 赤海龍700 汽車專用潔淨型氣體滅火器 洽詢專線(02)2365-7700 https://www.autopure.com |
-Mail Us Payment SkyPe: autopure mexa@autopure.com
赤海龍為最先進 全效型氣體滅火器 是油電氣柴 甚麼樣的火災都能用 有效期20年
全家/7-11(今天寄約後天到)貨到付款需要: 1. 收件員大名 2. 收件員電話 3. 全家/7-11的店名或電號
Mexa Co., Ltd.
Aka Halon Co., Ltd.
Tel. +886-2-23657700 Fax.+886-2-23657702
7F., No. 14 Anmin Street, Xindian District, New Taipei
City, Taiwan 231071
:No. 66 Kung Ming 2nd Road, Tsun Tou Liau Industry Area, Tainan 709, Taiwan
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滅火器認可基準 海龍滅火器 赤海龍滅火器 Novec 1230